How to save money for travel

Set your intention

Having a very clear idea in your mind of what you want to achieve will help your plan on how to save money for travel

Plan your travel budget

Find out how much it will cost to get there and how much money you’re likely to need on a weekly basis

Set up a direct debit to your savings account

This is money you are not allowed to spend until you go on your trip! By putting money aside each month you’ll see your savings grow.

Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

For Example If you find yourself watching Netflix 99% of the time, perhaps it’s time to cancel that cable TV subscription

Limit online shopping

Another way you can be more sustainable and save money for travel at the same time is to restrict online shopping.

Swap and borrow

Why buy a new dress for a party (which you’re probably only going to wear once anyway) when you could get one for free from a friend?

Make packed lunches

Having a very clear idea in your mind of what you want to achieve will help your plan on how to save money for travel