Do You Prefer a Hotel or an Airbnb When Traveling? This Quiz Helps You Find Out


One of the biggest conundrums when booking a trip is whether to book a hotel or find an Airbnb. If you’re like me, you waffle between the two, sometimes going one way and sometimes the other — never quite sure which you actually prefer.

This quiz will settle the score once and for all.

Matador’s guides to the best of Airbnb Categories:

Question 1 of 8

How often do you cook when you travel?

Every now and then

Nearly every day!


Question 2 of 8

When traveling solo, do you prefer to meet fellow travelers or keep to yourself?

I like to meet others, but also enjoy some alone time

I’m a social butterfly, all the way!

I a social vegan — I avoid meet

Question 3 of 8

When traveling, I . . .

Prefer to be coddled and make as few decisions as possible

Am a go-getter that arrives with a plan and makes it happen

Want to blend in with the locals as much as possible, and do what they do

Question 4 of 8

When traveling, do you often spend two weeks or longer in one place?

Yes! I love slow traveling and really like to get to know a place

Sometimes, it depends on the situation

I’m an in-and-out type of traveler

Question 5 of 8

Do you work remotely when traveling?

Digital nomad all the way, baby!

Yes, but only because I have to

Absolutely not — vacation is as vacation does.

Question 6 of 8

You’ve just arrived in a new city, and it’s time for happy hour. You . . .

Pop open the mini-fridge and raise a toast to your arrival

Find the coolest bar nearby and mix in with the crowd

Saunter into a dark cocktail lounge and grab a seat in the corner

Find the local craft brewery and sit on the patio

Answer A, and then either answer B or answer D

Question 7 of 8

You visit a new place and love it so much that you decide to relocate there. You . . .

Find a room for rent in a house in the coolest neighborhood and hope for the best

Search diligently for the perfect spot and hold off if you don’t find it

Question 8 of 8

It’s your first time visiting a city and you have a great meal at a restaurant there. On your next trip there, you . . .

Go back to the same place and order the same meal

Find a new place because your wanderlust just won’t quit

Submit for your score

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